– Dr. Arpana Shrivastava
Lecturer (English)
Govt. Narmada PG College,
“Expose yourself to your deepest fear, after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes”
As an inspirational speech create a positive emotional experience for the students that will resonate with them. Similarly, motivational views can also inspire them by encouraging them to take action on something.
In present scenario, the Corona virus pandemic has forced us to stay home. Let’s turn this into an opportunity to learn new skills. We have plenty of resources that can help us better understand the Corona virus pandemic and protect ourselves. Because all Educational Institutions have been shut down due to the lockdown, Students are now left with lots of free time on their hands.
Due to this lock down condition, some of our students are worried about the delay in exam, results and admission, they wish to join discussion sessions of informative lectures, some others felt distressed, because when they sit to study they were unable to concentrate and pay attention to studies. It creates tensions in their mind. So with a hope to aspire students get rid of worries and tensions, I thought to publish my write up on “AMBITION IS THE PATH TO SUCCESS”.
If Student’s will power is strong to achieve something great and if they commit to good dreams, the universe will provide everything they need. In my view, there are numerous ways, student can utilize this time for innovative ideas productively and gain something out of it. There should be no negative thinking. Why do we have fear, tensions, about postponement of exams, or fear of what will happen if achieved less marks? Avoid this type of negative feelings and self-criticism.
Exams are just a way to check out knowledge and skills. Many students feel dizziness, sweating, nervousness also due to exam fear. The major causes of stress for students are exams. Exam fear and exam anxiety are things which are common among students of all age groups. Lack of interest and lack of self-confidence can cause difficulty to concentrate on anything. Sometimes when a student doesn’t have anyone to ask for help in terms of studying the may get tired.
Sometimes they says network problem and also not having personal mobile, so feeling irritated because of unable to attend online classes etc. Student’s can communicate their ideas with one another and have the solution of it.
Here are tips how to stay focused while studying-
Find suitable environment.
- Create a study ritual.
- Divide up: Space out study sessions.
- Use the Portfolio Technique.
- Use a task management app (many apps available for Android and iOS) that allows simplifying your goals.
- Use an online organizer tool for task and project management (many apps available for Android and iOS).
- Write weekly, monthly, yearly reviews.
Some memorizing tips such as to set your priorities correctly, take out things into consideration, build your own “mind palace”, make up stories, use a tape recorder, visualize, choosing best materials will help you to learn quickly. Thus by motivating students online also we can provide them opportunities to personally connect to the subject matter. In our online English classes, we have seen students had set their own goals, now they set up a system for self-monitoring and progress tracking as they are encouraged to collaborate with us on the syllabus or course reading material and act as the facilitator.
Students become more motivated to learn whether online or in person, once they realize that you’re on their side- in the role of coach, they will feel more comfortable contributing to class discussions and relating the subject matter to their lives. In our Online English classes, students are enthusiastic to learn new topics related to their syllabus. They show keen interest in attending Quiz on literary terms, Performance Based Assessment Tests, Achievement tests, Oral Presentation, Project Based Learning, Paragraph (Oral and Written) through audio video presentations etc.
Ultimately, these different tools and methods will work better for some than others. However, with a little trial, tools and techniques above, students can create a routine of focused studying that works best for them. Our ultimate goal should be to strengthen their intrinsic levels of motivation, so as to help ensure that they are not dependent upon us for their learning. In each day class discussion, we should relate something relevant in the news to the current lesson at hand.
Portfolio method, Dialogue interaction has also shown to be a valuable part of the learning process. In addition, we can ask students to reflect upon the learning process, after completing each assignment. In that way they are more likely to feel in control of their own education and they will become more aware of their strength and weaknesses, so as to feel better able to understand where they need more guidance.