Benefits Of Mindfulness & Meditation For Students

Post by: Manju Thakur

– Dr. Arpana Shrivastava
Lecturer (English)
Govt. Narmada PG College,

Studies have shown that students who meditate or have designated quiet time have better
academic performance. Students who are already accustomed to healthy living can use their increased independence to tailor their healthy practices to their specific needs. College is the perfect time for students to foster physical and emotional calmness and wellbeing. Students who maintain a perfect life style have the benefit of increased energy and more self-assuredness to help them plow through assignments and tasks quickly and efficiently. Healthy, well-rested students are more alert in class, which leads to a whole chain of positive events, like increased confidence, better grades and less stress.
Meditative and Mind, body practices can help them to reduce negative emotions and their physical
effects. Understanding the general meditative practices discussed below can help students figure out with specific methods of meditation suit their needs. 
Yoga is in essence, a means of radical transformation of the mental health. The English word
meditation, means the act of exercising the mind in contemplation and especially in religious
contemplation. The term Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root “YUG’ meaning union of our will the nature and the supernatural. Yoga practice teaches us how to remain in present. It is a way of self-transformation through self-observation. It focuses on the deep inter connection between mind and body. Thus Yoga meditation is a set of training procedures which open us gradually to this new view of reality as it truly is. Yoga teaches us how to scrutinize our perceptual process with great precision.
Yoga techniques affect body, internal organs, brain, mind and other factors concerning body,
mind complex. Various yoga techniques can be practiced effectively to reduce the wight and achieve normal healthy condition of Body and Mind. Yoga is a physical mental and Spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India. The goal of yoga or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on the Hindu concept of divinity or Brahman.
Obesity is condition that arises when the body weight exceeds the requisite normal weight.
Nature has laid down health laws for all creatures. When a person starts eating beyond a normal limit set before him, he breaks the health laws and imbalance set in. Such a condition of the body is not good for any individual. The fast life of modern times has caused this malady, affecting the lives of many. We learn to watch the arising of thought and perception with a feeling of serene detachment. The obsessive nature of thought slowly goes away. We learn to view our own reaction to stimuli with calm and clarity. Thus, Yoga is one of India’s most ancient meditation techniques.
Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own
potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully and is able to make contribution to his or her community.

Benefits of yoga
1 stress relief.
2 Inner peace with yoga.
3 Better posture and flexibility by yoga.
4 Improved immunity.
5 Better relationships.

Meditation and its Benefits
1 Improves the immune system and energy
2 Creativity increases.
3 Happiness increases.
4 Problems become smaller.
5 Gain clarity and peace of mind.

The art of practicing yoga helps in controlling an individual’s mind, body and soul. It brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind, it also helps
manage stress and anxiety and keep you relaxing. It also helps in increasing flexibility, muscle
strength and body tone. Thus yoga and mediation are the basis of all round development of
students also, through this the importance of yoga for physical beauty and mediation for mental
beauty is not hidden from anyone. Students should be encouraged, so that our country can get
well- educated and superior citizens for the proper development of our country.


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